Life, As We Know It, is About to Get Really Wild. 💫🤍

I want to talk to you about a few things-- the first bit is heavy, the second bit is not so heavy (but it might be about you being heavy, or feeling heavy. We'll see.)

First, the heavy.

Lately I've been revisiting some material from 1999 by Ray Kurzweil entitled the Age of Spiritual Machines. He's a futurist who studied at MIT, works for Google, and has been making accurate predictions about the course of technology for roughly 30 years. Forbes labeled him in the 90s as "the ultimate thinking machine."

When I was a teenager, one of the bands I listened to all the time, Our Lady Peace, put out an album themed completely around "Spiritual Machines," and how machines will, by the year 2029, pass the Turing Test, develop consciousness, and a conversation in our society would emerge about what it means to be human.

According to R.K. by the year 2040, we will expand our intelligence a billion fold.

I'd been thinking a lot about that album recently with this whole collective awakening we seem to be experiencing as the result of the Pandemic Pause. Apparently so has OLP, because nearly two decades later, the band that has long passed its heyday put out another album: Spiritual Machines 2. There he was with his intermittent narrations- R.K. himself.

OF COURSE, I am interested in this, because there's this whole movement happening in our society with people who simply don't want to produce anymore. (e.g. The Burnout epidemic and the Great Resignation. 4.5 million people left their jobs voluntarily last November.)

I want to start talking about this now because I believe that the Western way does not serve us, and many Americans simply don't know what to do if they aren't a peg.

IF R.K. is correct and IF these trends continue, the West will soon not need to use humans as product producers. Fuck, we might not need to use human labor in a lot of ways. We already see it at places like McDonald's. My brother and I had a robot bring our food when we ate at Denny's in Wilkes-Barre, PA, right after Thanksgiving.

R.K. talks about the Law of Accelerating Returns, and whether it sits well with you or not, this intelligence that builds upon itself will, eventually, make a lot of the work humans are slotted to do unnecessary.

It's a good thing I work in the conversation business, right? Helping humans get back to who they were before they forgot?

I know for certain that my place right now is to help you be OK with this. That's why I'm doing all of this talk about the Western Rebellion-- because we are in the middle of a global movement. You see it everywhere. 4.5 million people don't just quit their jobs in a month for no reason.

Humans are waking up, and it's about time, because soon, within ten years, humans will have more space and luxury to go inward and walk the path that brings them to their truest selves. We'll be exploring via avenues of joy and curiosity, things our standardized education systems in the West SIMPLY DID NOT TEACH US.

It's gonna be big, everyone. And you read it here first.

Now, the not so heavy.

I doubt you watched the video I linked to about The Law of Accelerating Returns because it's one fucking hour long. I mostly just posted sources here so I am more of a journalist and sound less like a kook.

Here's what you need to know about it:

The law of accelerating returns says that evolutionary systems, like information technology, produce exponential changes. This happens because one generation of technology builds on and accelerates the returns of past generations.

Here's what's cool about that-- human beings can be classified as evolutionary systems.

So what does that mean for you? Exponential growth.

I've seen this in every area I've ever wanted to improve in my life. What happens at the outset? Nothing. You start exercising? Nothing happens. You start a business? Crickets.

But then, systems build upon themselves. People who try to lose weight usually don't succeed right away. I've been heavy-- very heavy. It feels like you are pushing a very heavy ball up a steep hill and nothing is budging. But then, biological changes begin to happen, and all of a sudden, everything ricochets.

When I started running, I was a fat, out-of-shape cigarette smoker.

I couldn't exercise for very long because my musculoskeletal system had not adapted to the demands I wanted to place on it. (By the way, that system fucking takes forever.)

However, eventually, over time, I began to develop a level of fitness. I did change my diet, which aided with that. The more I ran, the more my body began to tell me what it needed. Four years ago, I had no idea what it felt like to "need electrolytes" or "need iron." I had no idea what it felt like to be dead straight 100% out of glycogen. But... now I do.

My relationship with my body, and how it served me changed by one method- THUMP THUMP. Showing up every day. Getting up and putting in the reps.

It was the same with my business. You know I started GTFO in late 2020, and there I was, knowing nobody, having nothing, and just sort of looking around being like "OK, I'm here. I'm great at what I do. But now what?"

Almost everyone in my immediate social circle was an out-of-work restaurant employee.

So, I did what I could. I started my podcast. Today, episode 68 comes out. Through that avenue alone, my world expanded exponentially in personal development. I now have an entire network of people who do the work I do, and because of the way algorithms work, I appear in the spaces I want to be in. That, and simply the old-fashioned way- word of mouth, human to human.

Today, I'm having the conversations with people I want to have, and I'm serving clients in a powerful way.

That required time, patience, and THUMP THUMP. And not being frustrated or upset that it was slow, because everything requires "thump thump." Everything you want, unfortunately, requires putting in the reps... for a long time. There is no teleportation system, but you can walk quickly!!!!

So, I have put together a fuckton of content for you.

First, my podcast on "Thump Thump." It was a solo episode I did two-ish weeks ago and it was all about the importance of daily action. Putting in the reps.

You are an evolutionary system, and you can experience exponential growth when you make a commitment to be a new person.

The second ingredient to change is the solid, unbreakable belief that you can achieve anything you want. For this, your mindset must change ABSOLUTELY. Your subconscious is running the show 90% of the time, so if you have a limiting belief, that belief will sabotage absolutely EVERYTHING you want to do.

I got the double whammy on limiting beliefs- health and money. (It was a true joy growing up in our house. 😂)

I was able to clear the mirror faster with health than with money, but make no mistake, LIMITING BELIEFS are what keep you from anything you want. There is no other answer. You don't "suck at it." You're not "incapable." You have limiting beliefs.

I work with my coach on my limiting beliefs regularly. I can't even see them half the time.

If you want your mindset elevated, last week, I did a podcast with Business and Mindset Coach Tara Best. Her personality is enough to lift you right off the ground. ELEVATED EMOTIONS are absolutely essential. So if you're living in the humdrum "why doesn't this ever fucking happen for me," guess what baby, you're sabotaging right the fuck now with that thought.

Check out Tara- she's a spunky British gem who loves to drink wine and swear. We hit it off so well.

THE LAST THING I want to tell you is that your intuition can guide you most powerfully.

A lot of people express to me that they don't understand intuition. What the hell is it? How does it work?

I normally put out podcasts on Monday's but I decided to hit "publish" on this one early so I can include it in this very powerful, very heavy email.

This week on the podcast, Intuitive and Spiritual Mentor Allison Sutter and I had a very powerful, informative conversation about intuition (and limiting beliefs, if you are still curious about that.)

We addressed the health and business limiting beliefs, and how if you can flow your intuition one way, you are absolutely able to do it in another.

As Allison explains, you’re the one allowing or disallowing the experience.

For health, the cells of our body have a consciousness all on their own, so they want to remain in homeostasis. Our cells want to move away from things that constrict us and harm us, so when stopping any habit, as you move back to homeostasis, your body will give you subtle cues as to “what to do.”

This is very much what I experienced when I became a runner. I just knew "what to do."

Intuition is coming through all the time. I use it constantly in my work. How the hell did I remember Ray fucking Kurzweil from my TEENAGE YEARS? I knew at the time "pay attention. This is important."

Time is not linear, (we just experience it that way,) so a lot of the times, something you feel is important for you might not resurface for 10-15 years. Play the long game, because if it's important and stands out to you, that's an Easter Egg.

One massive takeaway from this podcast for me was Allison’s assertion that intuition always comes through in a calm certainty.

Intuition never causes panic, so if you’re feeling panic, that’s a limiting belief.

I want to close with one final statement- one Allison and I talk about and what she ended our podcast with.

"Stop listening to other people. Really. REALLY."

We need to trust ourselves above anyone else. We know the way.

A lot of people have trouble with "trust God." What if you don't believe in God?

We are consciousness. Some people have to label it as a deity to be able to trust it. That's fine if that's you, but as Ramana Maharshi said, God, guru, and the Self are the same.

Trust yourself, because it's the same as trusting God. YOU KNOW THE WAY. If something is in your heart, it isn't there by accident.

Trust that you know, elevate your mindset, and put in the reps.

Life, as we know it, is about to get really wild.

I hope you had a great Sunday.

Stay beautiful.

PS: This went out to my email subscribers on 2/20/2022. If you want to join the Western Rebellion and get access to exclusive content, you can subscribe below!

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