Embodiment, and the “Manual Override”

I've been talking in my various social outlets recently about embodiment.

I posed a question on Wisdom app to some others about how you guide a person to embody the teachings they have learned.

To go a little deeper into embodiment, I want to talk about women, and competition.

This came up in the Wisdom conversation, and myself and this awesome person named Marccella discussed how women are raised not to support one another, but to fiercely compete.

This is societal, generational, cultural, and all that shit... We're getting better, but we carry the subliminal, deep-rooted programming that was handed down to us from our parents and grandparents, and that pretty much came without our consent.

I had a conversation with another female coach just two weeks ago about this same idea, the idea that as women, we want to be that "one stop shop" that can do it all!

Because why? Survival.

Through generations, women have been taught that they must be the most beautiful, the most desirable, the smartest, the funniest, the THINNEST, the TALLEST, the best mother, etc etc... We have to do everything including change the oil in your car. Because if not, "no man will want us," and you need a man to survive.

Nowadays, we don't logically think "if I help another woman, I'll die," but the issues are in the tissues.

Years ago, sometimes things or opportunities would pop up, and I would think "this might not be appropriate for me, but "insert name" would really benefit."

I'd go to send "insert name" that thing, and my body mind would tighten up, react, and yell "DO NOT DO THAT! IF THEY HAVE MORE, YOU WILL HAVE LESS! Then you'll starve to death and the rent won't get paid!"

That's when I learned to exercise THE MANUAL OVERRIDE.

The manual override, the main key to embodiment. The manual override is when Higher you takes what you know, and acts in defiance of the body mind.

know that despite what I have been handed down culturally and generationally, women are not competition. In fact, I pride myself in having a large circle of strong, empowered women around me both as friends and colleagues.

This came from my willingness to manually override my own shit until the point it was embodied.

I said "I'm going to invite all of you in, even though to do so gives me a generous helping of anxiety."

Whatever type of thing you're having trouble with, remember, it isn't real. It's a program that is running in your brain through neural pathways that have been solidified through your life.

Your brain is lazy, doesn't like change, and is literally designed to keep you alive. If you have anxiety about embodying something new, congratulations. The brain is doing its job.

The BODY responds to the brain to keep us safe, hence the clenching feeling you get.

So, if someone laughed at you when you were four years old, you may have started to build a protective program then. 40 years later, you're having trouble figuring out why you're not posting more on social media.

You go to post, your body feels anxious, your mind runs down the laundry list of everyone who is going to hate you and smash out the windows in your car, and boom... you return to the sofa and watch Real Housewives.

Completely illogical, but the brain is doing its job.


Logically, you know that isn't going to happen. Now, the work is to override the program until it is embodied. Time after time after time after time.

This is an example of learning to use the brain differently.


I'm doing this every Friday for the month of May.

Power hours-- these are 90 minutes, very powerful, where we will dive into ONE AREA of your life where you can't seem to budge.

DURING that 90 minutes, you won't learn what to do, but rather, how to operate YOUR BRAIN differently.

Because you already know what to do. Obviously.

This is the link. Email me if you have questions. 


A Non-Triggering Way to Look at "Day 1."


"Healthy People Are Obnoxious" (No, the People You're Looking at Aren't "Healthy" Either)