Everybody’s Right: On Staying in the Center

It’s been a while since it’s been just me and the microphone.

Today’s episode is inspired by the idea that “everybody’s right.”

Maybe it's a generational thing I notice from others— people wanting to know "the answer." Making everything "a debate." What's the "correct" answer? What is the "right way" to be?

What if everybody's right?

In fact, they are.

And the experience you're having is simply your experience. To know that, to trust it, is part of "the way" to living a life more reasonably.

Through my journey of recovery (since 2018, sober since Christmas, 2019) I began exploring “What’s the best way to live?”

I am brought back to the Tao more than anything else, the “way” to live a harmonious life. The Tao emphasizes simplicity and effortless action.

Whenever we apply force, there will be a counterforce. When things are “right,” others, by default become “wrong.” When we oppress, people begin to rebel.

This might go down in history as “the episode where Andee suggests we let everyone out of prison.”

Funny… I think it seems reasonable. Maybe after this episode, you will too.

Have a listen if you’re in the mood for some hot air.

Also, thanks to Craig James for your constant inspiration. You keep me feeling, questioning, wondering…. 💛


If you haven’t checked out the new look and feel of GTFO, please go right now! getthefuckoff.com

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