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Sober People Do Not Look Down Upon You

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Sober People Do Not Look Down Upon You Andee Scarantino

When I got sober, the first thing I wanted to do was share how wonderful sober life was with every single person who would listen.

Everything in my life improved with sobriety-

My chronic acid reflux was gone. My gut health, which was horrendous, began to rejuvenate. My friendships and relationships began to improve, and I experienced newfound mental clarity and spiritual awakening.

Unfortunately, not everyone was receptive to my desire to share these experiences. My sharing caused some people to feel tension, and even sometimes anger.

This is not uncommon for a sober person to experience, but often the anger from others is misplaced. 

It has more to do with the inner conflict the person who is still drinking is feeling about their own relationship with alcohol. Whenever a substance takes you away from your fullest potential, anger is often a side effect.

Much like someone who is in an abusive relationship might lash out at a friend for trying to be a source of clarity for them, these people are often feeling anger due to a situation they know they have to resolve that is causing them pain- but with that resolution comes a parting from what they are attached to. 

I want you to know that sober people do not look down upon you. They want the absolute best for you in every way.

Sober people will also not point fingers, or try to decide for you if stopping drinking is something that you need to do. That decision has to be made by you. 

A sober community will be there to help guide you, however, whenever the time comes that you choose to leave alcohol behind.

A large part of getting sober is a desire to give back; to help others. People who are sober truly want to see everyone reach their fullest potential. 

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