You Cannot Have 401 Learning Without Freshman Foundations

I was visiting Martin in Indiana a week or so ago, and during the weekend I was there, we went to spend some time with his friend in Chicago.

Because I don't know Indiana well, I chose to do my long run in Chicago that morning and then return to spend the afternoon with the two of them.

WELL. They play "cribbage." Have you heard of this card game?

Cribbage is an extremely challenging game to learn because there are A LOT of parts and rules. There's even an entire culture around cribbage.

THIS GAME was a perfect example of some of the fundamental learning that we do in The Day 1. Experience.

I learned how to play Cribbage on Saturday, sure. I learned the rules, I learned how everything worked, and I learned the terminology. YET, I still seemed to be doing much more poorly than they were doing, even though I knew the SAME set of rules they knew.

When I said "I think the deck is stacked against me," Martin told me his friend used to think that too, but it really isn't the deck. It's that there's just soooooo so much information that the brain is processing at once.

You can learn the basic rules of a game, but there are other things you don't learn in the rules which make you a better player.

Like, for instance, they watch what cards one another plays, and then they deduce in their minds what other cards MUST be in one another's hands. They have access to so much information simultaneously, and things like "counting" and "adding" aren't something their minds actively think about.

This is sort of like driving, when your mind no longer has to actively think about where the blinker is when you're passing someone on the highway. You just know where it is.

What we often like to do is make meaning that somehow, we should be further along than we are.

It's just impossible, though. Integration takes months- YEARS EVEN!!!!

Just YOU getting an EMAIL from me is the result of WEEKS OF MY LIFE OF LEARNING.

I had to learn what ConvertKit was.

I had to learn how to operate landing pages and forms.

The product links to register for Day 1.? That was hours. The sequence email you'll get when you register for Day 1. with your preparation checklist? Hours. I have the URL now-- that was hours because I could validate the records in my DNS and had to contact support. I remembered how back in 2021, it took AN ENTIRE DAY OF MY LIFE to learn what a subdomain was and how to host a landing page there.

You see an email.

I see a cumulative month of my life.

You see this podcast. I see another two weeks of my life. Not to mention just the practical thump-thumping to publish it.

We look at what others are doing and tell stories about how we should be. What if you could just be here now as you are and have PEACE about it?

As a person who has made a major transformation, I'll tell ya- it feels like nothing is happening as it's happening. If you get a burst of evidence that something is happening, that's an exception, not the rule.

In our Day 1. Experience you will learn how to be here for yourself as things occur.

The deck is NOT stacked against you. You just have not been in the work daily for enough time for it to be muscle memory.

We reopen April 1. See the link below for details:


“But Do You Have the Will?”


Making Yourself "Do It" and The Manual Override