Finding Comfort in Chaos (Also, We're Closing For Renovations (Not in the NYC Way)

When you listen to the episode, you’ll get the joke…

This episode will be my last for a while, as we’re “closing for renovations.” To my loyal listeners, I explain everything that’s coming.

I’m going on a short hiatus to rebrand a little. I love what we have built together, but currently:

  1. I am more interested in deeper work.

  2. I am repelling people with my profanity, people whom I would get to know.

  3. I’m getting flagged as a porn site. People don’t get the very intelligent joke.

  4. Humans are insistent to know what something is at first glance, and a spiritual life coach with a website called “Get the Fuck Off” somehow doesn’t register on their radar.

  5. I want to expand.

Don’t worry! You don’t need to do anything. My RSS will stay the same, and everything will be right where I left it when I pick it back up.

In the meantime, you can subscribe to my substack to keep up with me:

This summer, my End Your Overthinking Course will also be available. It’s a knockout of a brain twister that will wipe your analysis paralysis away… so you might wanna subscribe to View From the Roof.

We’ll talk soon. Take care and stay safe, all!


Introducing “View From the Roof” -Formerly the Get the F*ck Off Podcast


“But Do You Have the Will?”