Introducing “View From the Roof” -Formerly the Get the F*ck Off Podcast

Welcome back to — View From the Roof, formerly The Get the F*ck Off Podcast.

I’m doing what we know in the restaurant industry as a “soft open,” which is usually soft for everyone but the employees.

It’s my first episode back in a while on this beautiful Media Monday, and it is here to let you know it’s still me! I’m STILL Andee Scarantino and I’m still going to be talking about things to help you get the fuck off that shit that doesn’t serve you anymore.

And, we’re also going to be going deeper.

View From the Roof and my new Substack (please subscribe) of the same name came from my Human Design. I am what’s known as a 6/2 profile. The 6/2 lives their first 30 years as an experimenter, and then they go “on the roof” for the next 20 to lick their wounds and observe life from a heightened perspective.

Since I have been deepening my work (exploring consciousness and going back to my sociological roots,) I thought Get the F*ck Off was just not BIG ENOUGH for all the stuff I’d like to explore. So, here we are: View From the Roof. I know you’ll love it.

Today’s topic was digital body language, and what I’ve observed since Meta’s release of the Threads app.

As I wrote today on LinkedIn:

“Have we heard of "digital body language?" Erica Dhawan wrote a phenomenal book about it.

I would never, in a real-life room, pop in with a bullshit smile on my face and say "list three things you're grateful for AND GO!" Fuck you.

Nobody did that 20 years ago. They came into the online space and spoke when they had something to say. What I'm feeling most through our current digital experience (sans Threadsapp) is the pressure to feel like I "should be talking" when I don't have something to say.

Sometimes I simply don't have something to say, and I don't think it serves anyone for me to repeat the same story sixteen times in a week. You'd be thinking I was at the bottom of a bottle of Johnnie Walker if this was "real life," which, it is, by the way. This space is as real and open and connected as the fleshy, physical spaces we traverse.”

There’s been a ton of noise in the void recently, as I wrote about in this piece for BizCatalyst 360.

Threadsapp was a welcome break from the constant disruption and distraction, and internet culture that defies the standards of our social etiquette.

Also, dare I say that not all of us are innovators or thought leaders, and everyone trying to be at the same time doesn’t make for a more cohesive, thoughtful society, but rather the opposite.

Ray Kroc built McDonald’s… but he didn’t come up with the idea for it. It takes all kinds.

This is the result of our “main character syndrome” which takes us in a direction where we don’t see the sacred of every moment. As I wrote some time ago in my piece “Sometimes, You’re the Audience,” we’re always playing a divine role, even if the moment isn’t wholly and completely about us.

Thanks for hanging out while I did my renovations. (Essentially I just needed a break to get my head straight.)

I’ll be episoding more in the future, and also yes, re-doing the show open.

It’s good to be back.


*If you liked this episode, you can support me by leaving a tip.


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