Telling a New Story

I start this week’s episode with the concept of “slow processing” vs. “over-analyzing.”

It wasn’t until the last few years that I learned that people process at different speeds.

However, it leads me to examine whether or not we actually process slowly, or rather, we know what is true for us immediately, and then begin to use the logical mind to over-analyze and negate the direction of our intuition.

For a long time, I was an over-analyzer and stuck in every aspect of my life.

Then, in February 2020, one sentence changed my reality forever: tell a new story.

The recipe of the circumstances was just right. Without question, without extra thought, without mulling over every possibility for life going forward, I simply heard the sentence and then acted.

One of the hardest things for me as a content creator is repeating myself.

I tend to believe “once is enough,” and it’s hard for me to say the same thing over and over.

For example, I have spoken ad nauseam on this podcast about how alcohol does not add much, if any, value to your life. I have told personal stories, cited resources, and truly come forward with passion and enthusiasm.

You likely wouldn’t be here if you didn’t have the inner knowing that alcohol isn’t serving you.

Thus, I find that saying it over and over is perhaps reinforcing the behavior of over-analyzing. You know your truth. It doesn’t seem that you need extra information to “buy it.”

Do you leave my episodes with that knowledge, and then go off into over-analysis? If that’s the case, is repeating myself actually serving you? Food for thought.

I talk about a bunch of things in this episode, including the concept of “failing faster,” and “if it’s humanly possible, you can do it.”

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From Victim to Victor: Interview With Kristen Brown, Relationship Healing and Self-Worth Recovery Mentor


Alcohol Is Not Responsible For You Being "Fun"