The Need For IMMEDIATE Resolution: On Relationship Disagreements

Whenever we have a disagreement in a relationship, we want to “resolve it right away.”

This is because in our society, we love immediate gratification.

What we really want is “lip service” a lot of the time- someone to tell us “all is OK” so we can move along.

In this episode I break down some facets of interpersonal communication, and place arguments into two groups:

  1. “One-Offs”

  2. “Repetitive Cycles.”

If an argument is part of a “repetitive cycle,” unfortunately, the lip service (and subsequent reinforcement) isn’t going to solve the issue.

If you’re ready to learn about the stubbornness of the ego, check this one out.

ALSO- I did address “the slap heard ‘round the world,” because I’m just THAT timely. :: bows ::

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