“This Isn’t Real:” Interview with Artist Christian G. Murray

Over the last 51 episodes, the Get the F*ck Off Podcast has grown and evolved, as I have grown and evolved.

Initially, it was very much about helping people quit smoking, stop drinking, and lose a bunch of weight— and all of those things are great, but those things are really just behaviors that live on the surface of who we are.

My work as a coach and the host of this podcast is not just to address behaviors people experience, but also to talk about your inner state, creating your own reality, managing the things you can control, (which are your thoughts and emotions,) and really being able to harness that deep inner wisdom to create the life that you really want.

Almost serendipitously, “This Isn’t Real” began appearing in various parts of my neighborhood as I started doing this work.

By a stroke of universal alignment, I met the artist Christian G. Murray on St. Mark’s Place one day, and we had a wonderful conversation. I am so honored he decided to join me on the podcast as my guest for Episode 51.

We talk about so much in this episode, from Christian’s journey living in LA, working in film, working as a creative director and being on tour, to living out of his car, and ending up back with his parents in the midwest, his experiences have been various and rich.

He’s traveled the world, living on highs of fame and the drug of success, yet found no inner joy or satisfaction like the deep level of love that meeting his fiancé, having a child, and creating his art has brought him.

Christian talks about the balance of life really being in your own mind. Life is full of ebbs and flows, and as he says, you don’t get to just take out the good parts and put them together like a movie.

As he so eloquently puts “you start beating yourself up when you get defeated. And I think that’s just the sign that you need to lose a little bit more, so you understand what those losses are.”

“This Isn’t Real” brings to mind the limitless potential that exists when one begins to explore who they are at a deeper level.

Christian also talks about the lessons he’s been gifted from becoming a parent, and the understanding of love that having his son has brought to his life.

You can find Christian on Instagram @hosofilms

His website is hollywoodsomeday.com

You can also get tickets to his upcoming art show on Oct 22, 2021 at hollywoodsomeday.com

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