Joy, and Proving to Yourself That You CAN

I'm baaaaack!

In what has been a stellar start to 2023, I have taken a hiatus to figure out what currently is sucking my joy.

I have fallen out of love, but as I mentioned in this episode, it’s not with The Get the F*ck Off Podcast.

I somehow learned the idea growing up (how, I do not know,) that joy should be put on pause until a later time.

Last year, I sacrificed the thing in my life that brought me the most joy in favor of my work, and for it, I mis-created all over the damn place.

I have recovered, and in this episode, I talk about how important joy really is, and also, how important it is to impress the hell out of yourself.

Other people? There aren’t any. 😉

A nice compliment from someone else… that’s nice. Sure. And it’s also often a bandaid for insecurity. When you can impress the hell out of yourself again, and again, and again, you begin to see that things you never thought possible actually… are.

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Why Slowing Down is Necessary for Transformation


New Year, 2023: Get Off the Smokes, Get Off the Sauce, Get Off Your Ass